Hello! It seems you’ve found my digital time capsule.

While this site is not my primary hub, I’ve preserved it as a reminder of where it all began. If you’re looking for my up-to-date professional info, please see my LinkedIn Profile.

Thanks for stopping by—I hope you enjoyed this brief trip down memory lane!

About Me

I graduated with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford in April 2020. I worked on statistics and machine learning with applications in biology and medicine, supervised by Professor Chiara Sabatti in the Departments of Statistics and Biomedical Data Science.

My projects have been highly interdisciplinary. I have also had multiple long-term collaborations with Professor Serafim Batzoglou in Computer Science and Professor Calvin Kuo in Medicine. I have been fortunate to apply my training in both engineering and statistics to new biotechnologies during my internships at 10x Genomics and Illumina.

I received my M.S. degree in Statistics from Stanford University and my B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Olin College of Engineering, where I worked with Professor Siddhartan Govindasamy, Professor Sarah Spence Adams, and Professor Denise Troxell. During my undergraduate studies, I was also a visiting research student with Professor Matthew McKay at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.